4B: Invest in your Investment

Why investment properties should be inspected more often

Each time a tenant moves out there are repairs, usually small, but how many necessary repairs are you overlooking? How much is going on beneath the skin of your investment home that you don't see in the limited interaction you have with the home? You know your tenants aren't reporting every issue throughout their lease. You should know what's happening between your walls.

Rentals will have the same issues as any other home, probably more, because your tenants won't pay out of pocket to maintain a home that is not in their financial interest. It is the owner's responsibility to fix a problem.

I recommend treating the change-over as a sale and ensure both parties are legally covered. Protect your investment by having your home inspected each time the property is empty to ensure there are no new major problems, anything from water spills to leaks to a struggling air conditioning unit due to a needed filter change. Remember: the maintenance is your responsibility but damages are theirs.